“Mr.V and The Pyramid of Cards”. The Evil Eye Will Fall!! A “revolution” painting in progress.
Today I am revealing another painting of mine in step by step process and this one will not be out of the “Buddha” category. It will be kicking some political ass, big time.
Although that ties back to Buddha, as it all eventually does. Not the actual historical person of Gautama Siddhartha (later known as “The Buddha”) but his enlightened teachings of Universal truth.
How does Mr. V (from the absolutely must-see movie “V for Vendetta” in case you been living under a rock for past 15 years) tie back to Buddha?
Simply. They are both true Rebels. Rebels with capital R! One with the supreme power of will and wit to bring down a whole corrupt establishment as an act of revenge towards its inherent evil (Mr. V) and second one with the complete surrender to the Divine within, compassion and illumination of Higher Self, where lower self (ego) is completely transcended and gives place to birth of Avatar of Divine Consciousness in Human form, which in its own way, is an act of the fiercest rebellion against anything not in line with the highest ideal of our hearts and human, infinite, universal spirit.
Buddha was a rebel of the highest grade, and his act of relinquishing his egoic identity and conquering his mind (facing and transcending all the fears(sanskaras = past karma we carry within)) was an immense act of true Courage and Unconditional Love that elevated the frequency of the entire Earth to this date.
If it wasn’t for avatars like Hermes Trismegistus, Buddha or Christ, this planet would long ago slide into the dark side which would most probably would lead total enslavement of all humans on even greater scale than what we’re sadly witnessing today. Or destruction of humanity in its entirety.
And if it wasn’t for the rebellious spirit the Messieurs and Mesdames V among us = the conscious and caring people who GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THIS PLANET AND HUMANITY and VOICE THEIR DISAGREEMENT and EDUCATE OTHERS about the evils of the establishment in place and the SOLUTION to this cancer (self illumination, self-healing, healthy practices of body and mind to name a few), this planet would slide into the dark too.
They are both equally needed. Although the real change always only comes from within. As one wise man once said (I believe it was Eckhart Tolle): “You can’t have peace on a planet of angry minds.” Basically meaning we can’t fight the military-industrial complex and corrupt governments which perpetuates war for profit and other dark purposes, if we can’t find peace within. If we keep angry mindset, war will always spring up somewhere . Same as poverty cannot be resolved by external measures only, if we remain selfish and greedy in our minds. Someone will always pay the price.
Now that I have outlined what is a rebel, who is Mr. V and what does he have in common with Buddha,
I will leave you with the step by step of so-far progress on this 4 feet tall oil painting.
I will explain the elements in it when it’s done. Nobody would read a blog this long.
ADD is rampant in 21st century! 😛
The “jumping” people made the rest of composition quite asymmetric so I removed them.
Yes this whole system is a fragile house of cards….and it’s purely sustained by our continuous belief and participation in it.
Till next time my friends. Can’t wait to put a signature on this one and show you the final result plus explain all the elements!!
Much Love to all!!!
We Shall Be Victorious!!!